The STAR Technical Training Instructors primary responsibility is to deliver instructor-led(in-person and virtual)technical training courses to STAR Center Agents,Stellantiscorporate personnel, and other audiences on an as needed basis atStellantisTechnical Training Centers, mobile locations, and otherStellantisfacilities as availability or scheduling permits. TheInstructorwill prepare for andmaintainthe highest-level of technicalproficiencyin all responsible skill areas. The STAR Technical Training Instructoris responsible formanaging course registration and roster processing. The STAR Technical Training Instructor willmaintaintraining vehicles, special tools, hand tools, classrooms, course hardware and components, diagnosticequipment,and software updates (Mopar DiagnosticPods, VCI Pods, and STAR Training Computers).
Additionalsecondary responsibilities of the STAR Technical Training Instructor:
- Reporting and analytics
- Coursedevelopment
- Transportation of vehicles
- Obtaining and/or reserving special tools, supplies, and facilities
- Coordinate other training activities
- Assist STAR Skill Area Leads
- Assistwith supplier training activities
- Work with Knowledge Management Team
- Lead, coordinate, and/orparticipatewith special projects when needed and as assigned
- Assessing the technical training needs of STAR Agents
- Prioritizing/scheduling course offerings tomaintainhighly trained Agents in each Skill Area
- Arranging necessary space, tools, vehicles, and presentation materials for course delivery
- Working closely with business partner to ensure new hire Agent training is effective
- Consulting with Skill Area Leads toidentifyad-hoc training needs of each team
- Directing course distribution among training instructors; coordinating their travel locations/dates for class attendance for certification training
- Driving consistency on proper case handling and terminology
- Directing and evaluating work of STAR technical trainers and Content Author employees
- Developing process for documenting and sharing new repair guidance information among Agents
- Delivering technical training courses to STAR Agents, Master Consultants, Skill Area Leads, and new Technical Trainers
- Organizing course delivery schedule to accommodate for STAR Center workforce planning
- Engaging Commodity Leads to develop and arrange ad-hoc training