The Machine Repair tradesman is responsible for diagnosing defects in operations, disassembling,repairing, replacing parts and reassembling to operating condition all machines, machine tools andmechanical equipment. The Machine Repair tradesman will perform all layout, machining and mechanicaloperations associated with tearing down, rebuilding and reconditioning machines and mechanicalequipment, and other specialized mechanical repair work. In addition, the Machine Repair tradesman isresponsible for relining spindles and shafts, scraping and fitting bearings, repairing and adjusting clutches,repairing valves, solenoids and cylinders, fitting precision parts, cutting and matching gears, changing feedand speed control gears, setting automatic timing devices, aligning and balancing work and ensuring thatthe completed work is properly functioning and in a safe operating condition. Candidate must be able toperform incidental tasks as required to complete the larger task.